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Whitehall POA
Whitehall Amenity Assoc.
Whitehall Whitehall
Homeowners Association
     The Whitehall Property Owners Association (WPOA) is the homeowners’ association for Whitehall. Every home in our neighborhood is part of this association and is governed by its Covenants and Restrictions and By-Laws.   The WPOA Board is responsible for the operation of the neighborhood and for the enforcement of the Covenants and Restrictions. The enforcement of the Covenants and restrictions is delegated to Architectural Review Committee (ARC). The ARC is responsible for the approval of new structures, modification of existing property, and enforcement of the community Standards. These Covenants and Restrictions apply to the entire neighborhood. There are Additional Restrictions that apply for the residents along the Ashley River.
     Invoices for the annual assessment ($335 for 2024-25) for WPOA are mailed the end of June. They are due on July 1st, late August 1st. Payments may be made using Pay Pal on this website (WPOA Payments) but be aware that PayPal charges a processing fee for which the homeowner is responsible for, not the Association.
     The fiscal year for this Association is from July 1st through June 30th. The adopted budget for the upcoming year is mailed to each homeowner two months prior to the start of the fiscal year. Our Annual meeting is held in the month of October at the Fort Dorchester High School. Each year, three of the nine Board of Directors’ positions are up for election. Prior to the annual meeting, nomination forms are distributed to every home, soliciting for homeowners to run for the WPOA Board. A homeowner needs to be current on all their dues and fees in order to be nominated and placed on the ballot. Letters announcing the annual meeting, along with a ballot and proxy, are mailed to every homeowner who is not delinquent on their assessments. Delinquent homeowners are notified of the annual meeting but do not receive a ballot or proxy since they are ineligible to vote. (They are notified that they can receive a ballot/proxy when they pay all their assessments.) Ballots are returned by mail or are turned in at the Annual meeting, where they are counted and the results are announced.
     The WPOA Board, the governing body of the Association, is made up of nine Directors who meet monthly in open session at the enclosed shelter at the Wescott Ball Park located on Dorchester Road. Meeting dates are posted on this page under Meeting dates.  At 7 PM, there is an open forum for the residents for questions and concerns, followed by the Board meeting. Any questions regarding the Homeowner's Association should be directed to our Community Manager at (843) 767-3949 (landline phone, not a cell number). The email for this Association is hoa@whitehallinfo.org
Mailing address:
Whitehall Property Owners Association
PO Box 40236
North Charleston, SC 29423